passion — a collection of poems


The following are short poems, accompanied by a quick summary of my inspiration behind the piece/the meaning of the piece.


inspired by a word prompt at the beginning of a class

when i see ‘passion’

i think of, well, the passionfruit

that’s bad, isn’t it?

to associate

the driving force of one’s life

with a small, sweet fruit.

to associate

something so very unknown

with store-bought produce.

to associate

such an intricate idea

with something plucked.

plucked not from a

pair of hands rough with pure strength

but a withered tree.

passion is less than

a seed of an idea, in

my mind, which is a

very scary thought,



inspired by something unknown

shackled is such a

harsh word

don’t you think?

a harsh ‘k’

for the crack of a whip

a ‘shh’

to silence pitiful cries

the ending ‘ed’

which implies a sense

of forever.

shackles leave scars



inspired by an activity in which we had to write what our definition of love was

love is like seeing

the most beautiful

flower you have ever

seen, picking it, and

giving it to someone



inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s painting of the same name and a poem about the painting by Anne Sexton

i curl into you

like the waves of the sea and

the clouds in our night.

our hands are now blue

the colour of your lovely

eyes that only look at me.

i cannot feel much.

your slowing heartbeat scares me

your face brings comfort.

we are dying now

but the starry night in your eyes

is more infinite.


inspired by John Keats’ poem ‘When I Have Fears that I May Cease To Be’ (a short emulation).

when i have fears that i may cease to be

the moon will no longer reflect my love,

nor will the sun wake up glowing for me

your arms will take me to the clouds above;

when i grasp, with my palms kissed by the stars,

your hands, which place me into the sea,

and allow this deep, deep blue to take you and me.


inspired by a presentation by the astounding Cpl. Vincent Fowler on Remembrance Day – November 11th, 2015.

soldiers don’t wear nail polish

because the last time she

tried, the base beside them

exploded, and the vibrations made

her shaking hands shake some



soldiers don’t wear nail polish

because her favourite colour is

the same shade as the

sandy dunes they must duck

behind to avoid a bullet

in their brain.


soldiers don’t wear nail polish

because when he did, his

“brothers” beat and spit

on him and destroyed the

little bottle of dreams he

called hope.


soldiers don’t wear polish

because it reminds them of

home and home is the

kind of false promise they

swore not to make.


claire b.

pic credit:

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